Fastscripts transcript by asap sports
Fastscripts transcript by asap sports

It's just, like I said, if you're playing poorly it's easy to get into quick fix, you're running around chasing your tail a little bit instead of saying, okay, let's look at this now, what are we going to do, and improve that and give it some time. No, I just went back to - it's good to have somebody to kind of bounce ideas with and someone that kind of keeps you on the right track, as well. HENRIK STENSON: No, I mean, I'd worked with him for - he'd been my coach for 12 years or something, I think, and then I had a couple of years where I saw smarter people, and for a while I was on my own. I was wondering mentally was there something you needed to work on? You said you went to the psychologist. It's fine to miss one, but after a couple, you're like, I don't want to sit home and watch the guys playing, I want to be there. Yeah, but sometimes if you fall down and you're not in, that acts as motivation and a bit of extra fight to get back there. I can plan my year and play the events that I want to do. You know, that's taking its toll, and that's a nice position now when I'm securely inside top 50. So that was the first goal, to get back into top 50 to be in for all the big events and also make my playing schedule a bit easier because on the back end of last year I had some brutal traveling just to keep my numbers up both in Europe and over here. We all want to win major championships, and you've got to be in the tournaments to start with. So I mean, back in '11 and parts of last year, as well, where I wasn't in the big ones. HENRIK STENSON: I mean, I wasn't crying all the time, but of course it's not fun to sit at home, watch your colleagues play tournaments that I played for five, seven years in a row.

Fastscripts transcript by asap sports